Talking Trash

Celebrating 54 Years of Earth Day

Celebrating 54 Years of Earth Day

This week, we celebrated our 54th Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, millions of Americans came together to protest the damage happening to our Earth and initiated conversations about finding a better way. That protest was the first Earth Day. As celebrate Earth Day this...

Planet vs. Plastics: Earth Day 2024

Planet vs. Plastics: Earth Day 2024

The theme for this year is "Planet vs. Plastic," with a goal to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040. In its theme video, shares its concerns about the growing presence of plastics in our environment and encourages us to take the...

Stay Safe with Household Cleaners

Stay Safe with Household Cleaners

We frequently encourage safe handling of household hazardous waste, which is typically about properly disposing of products you no longer use. However, handling these chemicals responsibly while you are still using them is equally important. You likely pull out...

Love Living With Less

Love Living With Less

Would you like to spend less time deciding what to wear, less time looking for the things you need, and less money buying THINGS in the first place? Would you like to have more time and money to achieve your goals and pursue your dreams? With his book, The Minimalist...

Strategic Steps Toward a Circular Economy

Strategic Steps Toward a Circular Economy

The National Recycling Strategy: Part One of a Series on Building a Circular Economy, is the initial installment in a series from the Environmental Protection Agency. It is dedicated to cultivating a circular economy (as opposed to the grey "Linear Economy" pictured...

Repair instead of replace

Repair instead of replace

When Bill Czappa was a boy, he honed his tinkering skills with his favorite toy: an erector set. Hardened steel rods and screw clamps allowed the construction of hinges and the transmission of mechanical power via rotating parts such as pulleys, gears, wheels, and...

Are hazards hiding in your home?

Are hazards hiding in your home?

CAUTION! DANGER! POISON! These words are designed to keep people away, yet many everyday household products are labeled with these warnings and left on shelves or cabinets long after they are needed. Families in a typical home store about 100 pounds of unwanted...

Educating young environmentalists

Educating young environmentalists

How does plastic get into the ocean? How is paper recycled? What happens to cans in the recycling bin? If you have little people in your life, then you know that children are forever asking how and why things are the way they are. You also know that an internet search...

EPA and SWANA work on battery best practices

EPA and SWANA work on battery best practices

Beginning next month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a series of virtual working sessions to address best practices for battery labeling, collection, and recycling. Interested parties can participate by completing this form for more information....