Talking Trash
New national recycling goal aims for 50% by 2030
Did you know the national recycling rate is just 32%? We can do better! As a part of its work to inspire action and recycling participation across the country, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a new National Recycling Goal — to reach...
No Summer Vacay for the 3 Rs!
School may be out for summer and we may be headed out for vacations, but that doesn’t mean a break from reducing, reusing, and recycling. Whether you are traveling or just hanging out at home with friends and family, make it a Three Rs summer. You probably already...
Neighborly Food Recycling Tips
After learning that residents are more likely to particpate in separating food waste if they believe their neighbors are too, Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD) asked the community to share tips to help neighbors recycle food waste. This input was solicited...
Why Are Lithium Batteries in the News?
This article appeared in the Spring 2021 edition of One Person’s Trash, a publication produced by Eco Partners, Inc. for Bergen County Utilities Authority. We share it here with our gratitude to the Bergen County Utilities Authority. Lithium batteries...
Still love your favorite TP brand?
In our May 4, 2021 post, Wiped Out of Toilet Paper!, we explained how toilet paper used at home is made from 100% virgin wood pulp, how the pandemic led to the hoarding of toilet paper, and how we can make more earth friendly choices to conserve trees. Still...
Wiped out of toilet paper!
The COVID pandemic allowed us to recognize many things in life we had undervalued, even the ability to purchase toilet paper. Why was toilet paper so hard to find?According to a 2018 Statista study, the average American uses a whopping 141 rolls of toilet paper...
Restore Our Earth with these tips!
On Thursday, April 22, we celebrated the 51st Earth Day with the theme, “Restore Our Earth,” which urges us to work together to help repair and restore our environment. While Earth Day is a great time to do something extra for our planet, we need to remember...
Encourage environmental enthusiasm: share this book!
“No matter where you look, you’re bombarded with these hopeless messages about the future of our planet…. All that doom and gloom stuff is only half the story. You are not nature’s bogeyman. You are nature. You’re connected to this great wide world in ways beyond your...
A Brief History of Earth Day
By the mid-20th century, pollution was so dire it required attention in the United States. In 1969, Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, got the idea for a national event addressing the pollution problem and a need for change. On April 22, 1970, this first...