Talking Trash

Make compost in a jar

Make compost in a jar

Last week, we introduced the young Helping Ninjas, Leo and Layla from Carmel, IN. They teach local kids in after-school programs how composting works by having them make take-home, mini compost bins in glass jars. It is a fun way to learn about composting and watch it...

Meet Some Helping Ninjas

Meet Some Helping Ninjas

Twelve-year-old Leo and his little sister Layla from Carmel, Indiana, love to show other kids how to make compost. Compost is made from rotting plant-based materials that have been broken down naturally by bacteria and other microorganisms. Composting can take all the...

Help reduce COVID waste

Help reduce COVID waste

The COVID pandemic continues to take a toll on people worldwide, especially with the rise of the Delta variant. As a consequence, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks is again commonly recommended. And that means more masks are ending up as...

Reuse puts items to good use

Reuse puts items to good use

Most of us had a parent or grandparent who would often say, “Well, you can still use that—it’s perfectly good.” Or, maybe you are the one who reminds others to keep using things that are “perfectly good.” When you extend the life of an item, use it over and over...

Meet some amazing litter cleanup volunteers

Meet some amazing litter cleanup volunteers

A sad side effect of the COVID pandemic has been a large increase in littering. Face masks, disposable gloves, and takeout food wrappers have littered our roadways, empty lots, natural areas, and waterways for the past year. And while the pandemic has made some people...

Waste not, want not

Waste not, want not

As we work together to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible, it’s important to reduce the amount of food we waste. According to ReFED, food waste makes up roughly 22% of all landfill volume, making it the single largest category of municipal solid waste...

Ditch your lawn!

Ditch your lawn!

Go for a for a “greener” landscape instead! Who says you have to grow a turf-grass lawn like everybody else? Not Evelyn Hadden, that’s for sure. Her popular book, Beautiful No-Mow Yards: 50 Amazing Alternatives, will inspire you to create a landscape that...

Buying and selling used

Buying and selling used

Buying and selling used items helps your community, your wallet, and the environment. But how? The sad truth is that Americans make tons of garbage – literally. According to the EPA, the average American throws away more than 4.5 pounds of trash per day. One way...

New look for Trash Talk!

New look for Trash Talk!

We are excited to share that our publication for youth, Trash Talk!, is getting a new look! Produced for solid waste management districts and service providers, this quarterly newsletter is targeted to upper elementary school students. Each issue is packed with...