Talking Trash

Save Food, Save Money

Save Food, Save Money

According to the USDA, about 30-40% of our food supply ends up wasted, and a substantial amount of that happens right in our homes. When we waste food, we not only throw away the money we spent, but also the resources used to produce it, like water, energy, and labor....

Green up your holiday cleanup!

Green up your holiday cleanup!

There’s no time like the days after the holidays to kick-start your recycling and reuse efforts! Finish the winter holidays off right by making sure all your waste and leftovers are properly reused, recycled, or disposed. Not only will you have a cleaner home, but...

Here’s to a new year of promise

Here’s to a new year of promise

Remember, the time of year when the future appears like a blank sheet of paper a clean calendar, a new chance. On thick white snow You vow fresh footprints then watch them go with the wind’s hearty gust. Fill your glass. Here’s tae us. Promises...made to last. ~...

Asking Santa for an electronic gift?

Asking Santa for an electronic gift?

Here’s something interesting to think about — at one time, a pencil was the newest technology known to humans. Today, when you think about “technology,” you probably don’t think about pencils, you think about electronic devices. Cell phones, tablets, and game systems...

Ready to toss the gift wrap?

Ready to toss the gift wrap?

Ever feel a bit sheepish about the piles of gift wrap left on the floor after gifts are exchanged? There is a fix for that, and it can be done in stages. According to a study by Stanford University, "Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, American household waste...

Holiday hacks for 2024’s short holiday season

Holiday hacks for 2024’s short holiday season

Whoops! Did you realize that this is the shortest possible holiday season? The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is only 27 days this year. Last year, we had 32 days! That was almost another week to prepare. Thanks to the short season, we're getting down to the...

Thankful for your inspiring light

Thankful for your inspiring light

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” ― Albert Schweitzer As we gather around the table this week to celebrate all that we are...

Say “no” to holiday FOG!

Say “no” to holiday FOG!

If you host a big holiday meal this season, make sure to keep fats, oils, and grease (FOG) out of your drains. Nothing puts a damper on the holidays like dealing with a clogged sink or sewer backup at home during your big event! When FOG goes down the drain--and into...

Ready to celebrate?

Ready to celebrate?

It's time to celebrate America Recycles Day on November 15! According to the America Recycles Day website, this day is designated as "ONE DAY to Educate. ONE DAY to Motivate. ONE DAY to Make Recycling Bigger & Better. " It's a reminder of the importance and impact...