Talking Trash
Taking care of textiles
While many textiles, such as sheets, clothing, towels, upholstery, industrial fabric scraps, and most other woven items, can be reused or recycled, they do not belong in your curbside recycling bin or cart! If you want to reuse or recycle textiles, you can find...
Headwinds as we face the future
Eco Partners President Elizabeth Roe gave the keynote address at SWANA’s Pacific Chapter Northwest Regional Symposium this past April in British Columbia. Under the theme “Winds of Change,” she discussed both the tailwinds and headwinds impacting solid waste...
Be an eco-friendly mover
Millions of Americans move every year. Is this your year to relocate? No matter where you are moving, here are some tips that you can use to make your next move a green one. Choose any of these tips that fit your needs and your budget. Just making a couple of small...
Small But Mighty Won the Day Against Plastic Bottles
By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard ’round the world. ~ From “Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson Penned six decades after the battles of Lexington and...
9 Tips for Summertime Shopping
Ahhh...summertime. Family vacations, lounging by the pool, picnics with friends, and back-to-school shopping. Whatever summer shopping you are doing, there are things that you can do before, during, and after your shopping trip to reduce your waste, improve our...
Odor control your cans!
Due to the heat of the summer months, it can be challenging to keep curbside carts, trash cans, and bins from giving off unpleasant odors. Trash cans see their share of gunk and grime. Plus, many of the things we throw away can be downright stinky, especially when met...
Tailwinds carry us forward
Eco Partners President Elizabeth Roe gave the keynote address at SWANA's Pacific Chapter Northwest Regional Symposium last month in British Columbia. Under the theme "Winds of Change," she discussed the inflection points she sees looking back and the "tailwinds" they...
Make your home toxic-free
Creating less hazardous waste in the first place is a good thing! Here are some easy trade-offs to trim the toxics in your home: Whenever possible, use hard work instead of chemicals. Rather than a toxic and smelly “no-scrub” bathtub cleaner, use a milder soap and a...
The grass is greener when you grasscycle!
Spring is here. No doubt you’ve pulled out the lawnmower by now, or at least thought about it. As you begin another mowing season, it’s time to think about “grasscycling.” Grasscycling is allowing your grass clippings to drop back onto the lawn as you mow. Instead of...