Talking Trash

About those Outdated Devices…

About those Outdated Devices…

New iPhones were announced last week and more of the latest cell phone models and electronic devices will arrive this fall. Are you planning to upgrade? Cell phones, computers, DVRs, DVD players, game consoles, TVs, iPads and tablets, and e-readers — how many of these...

Reusers love the library!

Reusers love the library!

Do you visit your local library? If so, have you ever thought about the library as a great place to practice the second R — Reuse? Libraries have books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, and sometimes even games on all kinds of topics, as well as access to online resources and...

Ron Gonen and The Waste-Free World

Ron Gonen and The Waste-Free World

In The Waste-Free World: How the Circular Economy Will Take Less, Make More, and Save the Planet (Portfolio, 288 pages), author Ron Gonen asks consumers, businesses, and banks to embrace a circular economy. A circular economy is a model of production and consumption...

Waste less at lunch

Waste less at lunch

Have some back-to-school folks at your house? According to the EPA, on average, each student throws away about 67 pounds of lunch waste per year. That might be more than some young students weigh! This total includes uneaten food and food scraps, as well as...

Eating well while wasting and spending less

Eating well while wasting and spending less

In the United States, about 40% of all food goes to waste. That wasted food costs a family of four about $1,500 each year! At home, you can reduce your food waste by using the 3 Rs — Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: Reduce your food waste at home by planning your meals for...

Paper recycling on the rise nationwide

Paper recycling on the rise nationwide

The United States saw a rise in recycling rates for both paper and corrugated cardboard (OCC) in 2021. Paper recycling rates rose from 65.7% in 2020 to 68% in 2021. To put this into more concrete terms, U.S. paper mills accepted more than 8.6 million tons of recycled...

Sharing good news!

Sharing good news!

Eco Partners has news to share with you and it's all good! First, we are excited to announce that Eco Partners President Elizabeth Roe was recently elected to the role of Secretary for the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Board of Directors. "I...

Do you “Up Cup”?

Do you “Up Cup”?

We are halfway through Plastic Free July, a month-long campaign to reduce plastic waste. Have you joined the effort and tried to refuse single-use plastics? If you're looking for a place to start, one challenge you can take this year is to "Up Cup." When you "up cup,"...

Recycling (Still) Matters!

Recycling (Still) Matters!

Recycling has had a bumpy road the past few years as local programs and recycling processors have adapted to changing overseas markets, faced transportation challenges here in the U.S., dealt with the impacts of a global pandemic on collection and processing, and...