Talking Trash
Lose the litter!
Have you ever noticed one small piece of litter on the ground? While it may not seem like much, that tiny bit of trash can lead to a big problem. According to Keep America Beautiful (KAB), people are much more likely to litter if they see other trash on the ground. So...
UN Declares International Day of Zero Waste
Last December, the United Nations adopted a resolution put forth by Turkey and over 100 other countries to observe an annual Zero Waste Day beginning this March 30. This resolution is just one of several recently adopted that focuses on waste issues. According to the...
Living a Sustainable(ish) Lifestyle
“But I believe that at the very crux of living more sustainably is the need to consume less, and to consume more thoughtfully.” So says Jen Gale in the first chapter of her book, The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Make Small Changes That...
LEGO® Replay makes it easy to reuse
It’s almost time for spring cleaning and decluttering the house. Is a toy closet on your list of places to work? Perhaps some new toys arrived over the holidays and it’s time to donate some of the old toys moved to the back of the closet. If those old toys include...
Don’t get carried away! Be a smart recycler.
“Getting carried away” is something we say when someone is losing control and taking something too far — even if it’s a good thing. We all have learned that recycling is good for the planet. But did you know that some people get carried away when they recycle? These...
Extended Producer Responsibility the Key?
As many states consider legislation for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), The Recycling Partnership released a study this month that found EPR policies for packaging and printed paper could significantly increase overall residential recycling rates in the United...
Just take one
Only takes one if you SHAKE and FOLD! How many paper towels do you grab to dry your hands? More than thirteen billion pounds of paper towels are used in America each year. Many times, we take multiple towels to dry our hands. But, if we each gave up just one paper...
Quick tips to make recycling easy at home
A wicker basket beside your favorite reading chairis the perfect place to catch newspapers for recycling. Here are five easy steps you can take today to make recycling easy at home. Know what you can recycle. Check with your local solid waste district to learn which...
Slash your paper waste
You may already recycle your newspapers and office paper, but how many of these additional ways do you use to reduce or eliminate paper waste? Reduce Go digital: Ask that bills be emailed to you and subscribe to electronic versions of your favorite publications. Use...