Talking Trash

About those plastic bags…

About those plastic bags…

Plastic bags are a significant source of contamination in the recycling stream. In fact, they may be the number one contaminant. When plastic bags are mixed with other recyclables, they get tangled in equipment at the sorting facility, causing frequent stops to remove...

Green tips for outdoor parties

Green tips for outdoor parties

Backyard party season is still going strong and will continue into the cooler months with bonfires and tailgating. You can enjoy the company of family and friends while also making a positive impact on the environment, celebrating sustainably and responsibly. Here are...

Tips for a Sustainable School Year

Tips for a Sustainable School Year

Ready or not, while it may still feel like summer, soon we’ll see signs of fall. One sign we can always count on says, “Back to School.” If you have students in your home, they will need to get ready with supplies. Before buying more for this school year, consider how...

How “Conscious” Is Your Closet?

How “Conscious” Is Your Closet?

“If you want to change the world, there’s no better place to start than with the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet.” So says Elizabeth L. Cline in her book, The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good (Penguin Random...

Be safe with your hazardous waste!

Be safe with your hazardous waste!

Household hazardous waste (or HHW, for short) is not only a problem when it is in your home. It can also pose a problem when it is thrown out. For example, throwing away an item like used motor oil can be dangerous and wasteful. It can be dangerous if it is spilled or...

Make playgrounds, not tire piles

Make playgrounds, not tire piles

According to a U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association report, 71% of discarded tires are recycled to create rubberized asphalt, ground rubber products, and fuel. You may have seen some things made from ground rubber, such as playgrounds, athletic fields, running tracks,...

Summer Trash Tips

Summer Trash Tips

After the cool and rainy spring, it’s time to prepare for a warm and sunny summer! Warmer temperatures increase the decomposition rate of household waste, leading to stinky trash odors and unwanted pests. Here are some tips for managing your waste in the summer heat....

Hacks to extend the life of your electronics

Hacks to extend the life of your electronics

From smartphones and smart home devices to TVs and wearable technology, the average American home contains a staggering 30 separate pieces of consumer technology. For over 80% of Americans, smartphones, tablets, and laptops have become central to our home, school, and...

All ashore this summer?

All ashore this summer?

Do your summer plans include a trip to the river, lake, or ocean shore? Once there, you might fish, wade, swim, surf, or ski. After the sun goes down, you might enjoy a dinner of seafood or freshwater fish. Chances are, you will have so much fun, you won’t think much...