Do you visit your local library? If so, have you ever thought about the library as a great place to practice the second R — Reuse?
Libraries have books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, and sometimes even games on all kinds of topics, as well as access to online resources and downloadables. You check these items out and return them, then someone else checks them out and returns them, and on it goes! That’s the definition of reuse right there. No wonder reusers love the library!
If you don’t have a library card, now is the perfect time to get one. Head over to your local library this weekend. If you need help finding the perfect book or resource, talk to the librarian or media specialist and ask where to find things that match your interests. They are always happy to help.
Build a Little Free Library in your Neighborhood
You can also practice library reuse by hosting your own Little Free Library! A Little Free Library is a book-sharing box that is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and freely accessible to all. This non-profit effort began when Todd Bol of Wisconsin built a model one-room schoolhouse as a tribute to his mother. She was a school teacher who loved to read, so he filled the little house with books and put it on a post in his front yard. Once word of his little house of books got around, others wanted one for their yard, too. Then he met Rick Brooks of UW-Madison. Together, the two were inspired by other “take a book, leave a book” programs in coffee shops and public spaces. Their joint efforts led to the start of Little Free Library.
If you would like to share books with your neighbors, all the information you need to get started can be found on their website.
Or Find a Little Free Library near you
Not ready to build your own Little Free Library? Then how about visiting one? Those who host a Little Free Library are encouraged to register it on the organization’s website. That helps others find one nearby. If you are seeking the nearest location to your home, use their mobile app or map.
Whichever library you visit, be sure to take a reusable bag with you!
Want more reuse ideas? Read Reuse puts items to good use.
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