is the perfect place to catch newspapers for recycling.
Here are five easy steps you can take today to make recycling easy at home.
- Know what you can recycle. Check with your local solid waste district to learn which materials are recycled in your community and where to take them.
- Look around your home and ask yourself these questions: How many trash cans do I have? Where are the largest trash cans? Where is most of my trash created? Is it in the kitchen, the bathroom, the home office, or the garage?
- Now that you have these answers, place recycling containers where you produce the most trash since that is probably also where you will have the most recyclables. This makes recycling convenient, so you and your family are more likely to do it.
- Make room near your trash cans for recycling “bins.” These might be tote bags, baskets, plastic totes, or boxes. You might even repurpose an unneeded trash can. You don’t need to buy special bins. Be sure that everyone in your home knows which bins are for recycling.
- When your recycling bins are full, empty the loose recyclables into your curbside recycling cart or bin or take them to your community dropoff location.
You can also check out these ideas for recycling at home.
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