Ever wonder what it takes to write a book encouraging a “green” lifestyle? Read on! Last week, we reviewed Christine Liu’s book, Sustainable Home: Practical Projects, Tips and Advice for Maintaining a More Eco-Friendly Household (White Lion Publishing, 160 pages). This week, we share our interview with the author. She answers our questions below.
How old were you when you first became interested in environmental issues? Why?
I never thought I would work in environmental sustainability, but I have had a deep respect for nature since I was a kid. I think going out camping every summer, biking with my family, and enjoying the outdoors made me realize what a valuable gift it was. But it wasn’t until I was in college, studying packaging, that I saw the opportunity to be smarter about waste, as it was affecting our environment and our health in negative ways. My eyes were opened to see and understand all the movement behind the packaging industry. While others don’t often think about trash, it was the very thing I was getting a four-year degree in, and I knew it was all destined for landfill.
Which of the sidebar “Make Your Own” projects in the book did or do you find most satisfying?
I love creating DIY body products as gifts for friends, and often find myself conjuring up new plant-based recipes or researching new recipes to try out.
Are there any environmentally friendly practices that you have tried in the past and subsequently decided not to continue?
There are some DIY products I don’t make anymore, as there have been quite a few new sustainable brands and products that have launched since I started living zero waste several years ago. I love being able to support these small businesses and find that their products can be better than the DIY versions.
What do you find most gratifying, personally, about your lifestyle?
I appreciate that I’m able to be more conscious of my every action. It gives me motivation to know that though I am just an individual, I am making an impact on the planet and, collectively, we can all make a large impact to heal the planet for future generations.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Christine!
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