School may be out for summer and we may be headed out for vacations, but that doesn’t mean a break from reducing, reusing, and recycling. Whether you are traveling or just hanging out at home with friends and family, make it a Three Rs summer. You probably already take good care of the Earth, but summer is a good time to add some new habits. Here are some ideas:
Reduce — Using fewer resources
• Set aside a day to go garage sale shopping to look for new-to-you games and toys for the kids at home.
• Try thrift store shopping for clothing and household items.
• Host a garage sale to clear out things you no longer use.
• Create crafts and gifts from materials around the house.
• Shop for items made from recycled materials.
Reuse — Finding new uses for an item
• Use that empty jelly jar to hold hair accessories, small toys, paper clips, or other doodads.
• Instead of buying movies or games, trade with friends and family.
• Keep junk mail envelopes for making lists or writing notes.
• Wear that old, faded T-shirt as a pajama top or paint smock.
Recycle — Transforming items for a new use
• Try backyard composting or vermicomposting.
• Find one thing in your house that you aren’t recycling but could be. Start recycling it.
• Make sure you know the rules for recycling in your community. Check with your local solid waste authority for information about where to recycle all sorts of items.
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