Ever feel a bit sheepish about the piles of gift wrap left on the floor after gifts are exchanged? There is a fix for that, and it can be done in stages.
According to a study by Stanford University, “Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, American household waste increases by more than 25 percent. Trash cans full of holiday food waste, shopping bags, bows and ribbons, packaging, and wrapping paper contribute an additional 1 million tons a week to our landfills.”
We can make a dent in this waste by taking a few simple steps when preparing our gifts this year.
Start here
- Chances are, you have a closet with partial rolls of holiday gift wrap left over from past years. And bows. And gift bags. While the new rolls of wrap are enticing, why not set a goal to use only wrapping paper and gift bags you already have on hand this year?
- If you love the look of wrapping paper, bows, or gift bags, pledge to only use gift wrap and bags you already have on hand.
- If you have no leftover wrapping supplies but want to wrap, be creative! Try using brown paper shopping bags or the newspaper as your wrap of choice. Or turn a white grocery bag inside out and tie it off.
- Leave paper out of your wrapping altogether and wrap with part of your gift, like a scarf or dish towels. Popular Science suggests this is the traditional way to go. “The American fancy paper trend only really dates back to the early 20th century, but other cultures have used cloth for literally ages. A Japanese furoshiki is a great option with a long history. “
- Better yet, give a waste-free gift that doesn’t need wrapping, like tickets to a concert or movie, an annual membership to a state park or museum, or a promise to take the recipient out for a meal.
With just a little creativity and effort, this can be the year you begin to toss your holiday gift wrap supplies!
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