Talking Trash
Lose the litter!
Have you ever noticed one small piece of litter on the ground? While it may not seem like much, that tiny bit of trash can lead to a big problem. According to Keep America Beautiful (KAB), people are much more likely to litter if they see other trash on the ground. So...
Buying and selling used
Buying and selling used items helps your community, your wallet, and the environment. But how? The sad truth is that Americans make tons of garbage – literally. According to the EPA, the average American throws away more than 4.9 pounds of trash per day. One way...
7 Tips for Spring Cleaning
Spring is almost here! It brings longer days, warmer weather, and bright flowers. Plus, it puts a "spring" in our steps! What a great time for an eco-friendly cleanup! As you begin, leave the nasty chemicals and stuffy air behind. Follow these tips to make this year’s...
What to keep, what to recycle, and what to shred
In gathering documents for tax season, you might come across stacks of your old personal financial records. Wondering what to do with them? The first step is to decide what to toss and what to keep. Check out this article by Kevin Payne from Forbes Advisor...
Policies needed for safe lithium-ion battery collection and disposal
In this image, a lithium-ion battery sparked a garbage truck fire that closed a city street and put surrounding properties at risk in Bellevue, Washington. (Photo courtesy of Bellevue Police Department and U.S. EPA.) Lithium-ion batteries, found in many rechargeable...
Keep restaurant leftovers safe
Eating out or picking up a "to-go" order on the way home is handy, but you may find your fridge filled with restaurant leftovers. Do you know there’s a safe way to store your leftovers? Keep the tacos and not the bacteria by following these tips from
Safety Starts with Us
Jobs in solid waste and recycling continue to be a hazardous occupation “despite ongoing efforts to get out of the top 10 deadliest job category by investing in more safety training and technology for vehicles and facilities,” per Waste Dive in its December 19, 2024...
Overwhelmed with packaging?
You take advantage of the convenience of online ordering, but are left with a huge stack of boxes and packing materials. Before tossing boxes in the recycling cart, first consider how you might reuse them instead. Free online marketplaces like Freecycle, Facebook...
Microplastics are here, there, and everywhere
Small pieces of Styrofoam. A broken plastic straw. Empty plastic bags. These items are scattered across the ground and our waters, breaking down into microplastics—pervasive pollutants that pose significant environmental and public health risks. Though small,...